The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), through its Green City initiative, and ICLEI, through its Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC), announce a global partnership to collaborate on the CitiesWithNature partnership initiative, ahead of International Biodiversity Day on Friday 22 May.
Biodiversity is essential for sustainable development and human wellbeing; this is the message from the United Nations ahead of International Biodiversity Day on Friday. The theme this year is “our solutions are in nature,” which could not be more pertinent at this time, when our cities face many challenges.
AIPH leads global thinking on the successful integration of nature into the built environment. Through its Green City programme, it initiates projects and activities that create an awareness of the power of plants in contributing practical and economically sound solutions to many of the problems that our cities face. Our environment, human wellbeing, social cohesion, and economies are all improved by intelligently designed green space.
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is an international organisation of over 1750 local and subnational governments dedicated to sustainability. ICLEI CBC acts globally on biodiversity and nature on behalf of ICLEI, and is secretariat of the CitiesWithNature partnership initiative, on behalf of the founding partners: ICLEI, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and the growing network of supporting partners. CitiesWithNature provides a shared global platform for cities, researchers, practitioners, partners, and urban communities to connect, learn, share, act, and inspire each other to strengthen collective action in mainstreaming nature into our cities and surrounding regions. It enables the global celebration, enhancement, and protection of nature for the benefit and overall wellbeing of cities and people in cities.
This partnership aligns the common goals of the two organisations towards promoting sustainable urban development.
Chair of the AIPH Green City Committee, Bill Hardy, says: “Our partnership with CitiesWithNature enhances the capacity of AIPH to influence practice, and change the way our cities look and function.”
AIPH Technical Advisor, Dr Audrey Gerber, adds: “This partnership reinforces our serious green ambitions. Through joint activities, research, and shared resources, facilitated by this partnership, we will seek to inspire people worldwide — organisations, city councils, communities, and government administrations — to reignite our relationship with nature and reap the benefits.”
For more information about the Green City programme, please visit AIPH website.
Ms. Kobie Brand, Global Director of ICLEI’s CBC, says: “We are thrilled to partner with the world’s champion for the power of plants. Plants are an important component of the biodiversity on which we critically depend, especially in our increasingly urban lives. Our cities are places where people and nature can thrive in harmony. On International Biodiversity Day and beyond, we are jointly committed to building CitiesWithNature.”
Mr Timothy Blatch, Global Coordinator of CitiesWithNature adds: “Our collaboration is exciting and timeous, and we welcome AIPH to the growing global network of partners dedicated to mainstreaming nature in all aspects of life. We are united in our vision as we embark on the journey to reconnect people with nature. The solutions to the challenges our cities face are in nature, as we shape a collective urban future that is greener and healthier.”
For further details contact:
Dr Audrey Gerber, PhD MCIHort, AIPH Technical Advisor
Email: [email protected]
Rachel Wakefield, AIPH Communications Executive
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 (0) 1235 776 160
Website: www.aiph.org
Follow AIPH on:
LinkedIn #AIPH
Facebook: @theAIPH
Twitter @AIPHglobal
For further details contact:
Mr Timothy Blatch, Global Coordinator: CitiesWithNature, ICLEI CBC
Email: [email protected]
Michelle Preen, Senior Manager: Communications, ICLEI CBC
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cbc.iclei.org
Website: www.citieswithnature.org
Follow CitiesWithNature on:
Twitter @CitiesWNature
Notes for Editors:
International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH)
Since 1948, AIPH has united horticultural producers in an international community that thrives to this day. Much has changed in that time. Technologies advanced, cities rose from the ground, and we have become more connected than ever. As a result, our essential bond with nature has been weakened. AIPH strives to reignite and uphold an appreciation of plants that we believe is a basic human instinct. We support the work of grower associations globally and together we champion a prosperous industry, growing plants that enhance lives, advance societies, and sustain our planet, for this generation and the next.
Through the Green City initiative, we aim to develop an international standard for green cities as well as being a focal point for green city best practice and a source of expertise. Through world activities, research and marketing, and shared resources, we seek to inspire people, organisations, city councils and government administrations to join this challenging movement and reap the benefits.
ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC)
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 1,750 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 100+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. Our Members and team of experts work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability. ICLEI’s CBC is located in Cape Town, South Africa, embedded in the Africa Regional Office of ICLEI. We offer cities a broad portfolio of supportive services through our dedicated team of passionate, skilled and dynamic biodiversity and urban development experts.
Through our ICLEI CBC programmes and initiatives we seek local solutions and promote innovation to address the complex issues surrounding natural capital and the degradation of ecosystem services in a rapidly urbanizing world. The CBC recognizes the crucial role that cities and local governments play in the pursuit of a greener existence through efficiently integrating urban development and biodiversity management at the local level.